use strict;use warnings;main(@ARGV);sub main{ message("This is the template.pl exercise file from Perl 5 Essential Training.");}sub message{ my $m = shift or return; print("$m\n");}sub error{ my $e = shift || 'unkown error'; print("$0: $e\n"); exit 0;}1. write space in perl are: new line, space charactor andtab.
write space可以放在任意位置, 解释器会自动忽略write space的作用。
2. semicolon:
作为一行语句的结束判断符, 不需要加在大括号的后面;
3. comment:
# template.pl by Bill Weinman <http://bw.org/contact/># Copyright (c) 2010 The BearHeart Group, LLC#use strict;use warnings;main(@ARGV);sub main{my $n = shift ||5;
my $r = factorial($n);
message("$n factorial is $r");}#factorial(n)
#return the product of all integers up to and including n
# computed recursively
sub factorial{
my $n = shift or return 0; #return 0 if no n
if($n>1){ #only compute for n>1
return $n * factorial($n-1); #recursion
return 1; #return 1 for n =1
sub message{ my $m = shift or return; print("$m\n");}sub error{ my $e = shift || 'unkown error'; print("$0: $e\n"); exit 0;}我们添加了一个子函数叫做factorial, 并且对main函数进行了修正, 可以看到, 注释在此时的作用: 提示说明子函数的功能;
另: 还有其他的注释方式, 我们在这里暂时不涉及 ,如__END__来对所有的文件结尾部分进行注释, 和=begin开始到=end结束中间的代码块都是会被注释掉。
4. General syntax. 概述整个程序的各部分: shabang,use statement, subroutine